Crashed down again after a weekend of high rise. Being on tour with a band is so much fun. Being a bunch of people traveling together, all squeezed into a van with big amps, empty bottles and dirty clothes. The atmosphere is sweaty, dull and exhausted. Occasional stops to have a pee or a cigarette. Arrival at a place where lots of hippie/punk/metal folks are sitting outside, drinking. We set up the gear in the corner of the room, tune, have the first beers, get fed by the local crew, then start to thrash our songs for half an hour. We`re all hardhitting, headbanging, bodyshaking, screaming out, going nuts. Then it`s the end of the set, we`re all soaked due to stage action and massive light heating up everything. Calm down again, have some more beers (and water! At least I lose 2-3 litres of water, am thirsty as hell and pop down two bottles in a row), talk to people, eventually party a bit until we sink down in our sleeping bags. Get up early the next morning because it has to continue. Short breakfast, coffee, no shower, back on the road to the next city. Hundreds of kilometers of concrete lines, Johnny Cash tunes in the radio...
Unfortunately, there are things happening like the motor breaking down or traffic jams which eat all the time windows that were intended in order to have some time to relax outside the van. Fuck, on Friday night, 19:00, the Yellow Pages have no use at all since nobody`s at his office any more. You have to improvise... have the impression we improvise more than any Free Jazz combo, though not musically, of course...
Now back to work. Hope I survive these days. It is so much harder when the difference to a life on the road like this weekend is so much more visible to me.